Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Nexus 7 In India || Nexus 7 Price In India

 Finaly Nexus 7 Comes to India


Nexus 7 Price In India : Rs. 15,999.00

Ships by April 5, 2013

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Apple App Store will no longer accept new apps or app updates that access UDIDs

Apple App Store new Announcement-apps using UDIDs will no longer  accepted by the App Store effective May 1

Apple has informed app developers that App store no longer accept apps that acces unique device identifier (UDID -a 40-character code that uniquely identifies each device) after May 1 , more details.  The UDID codes very are important because using UUID developers can  track their applications and Mobile advertising networks also use the UDID codes for advertising purposes Apple requests developers use the new 'Vendor or Advertising identifiers'- introduced in iOS 6.

Must Support IOS retina and iPhone 5's 4-inch display

Apps also be required to support both the Retina display and the iPhone 5's 4-inch display  apple will not support apps that doesnot support retina display, and 4 -inch iphone.

Apple and several app developers are use the UDID to track users across different apps because using UUID developer know which particular iOS device is being used to access their app this violate privacy of user (UDID doesn't specifically identify a user). The sharing of UDIDs between advertising networks this leads to identify the activity and interests of the user.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Google Keep - a place to keep things safe

What you Think?  Keep Here – GOOGLE KEEP ready…...!!!

While we are at home, office or in tour, we may have many things to keep in mind. As it is quite difficult to memorize all these things, our usual way is to just note it on a piece of paper and put it on the table, the shelf, or the cupboard. Later when we search them again and if it may be out of our sight, hardly we feel mad. Therefore, these types of effort are totally a waste of time.

Now Google launched an application called ‘Google Keep’, which can act as a complete solution for the above problems. It allows one to quickly note down what comes in their mind on the move. Also based on priority, a user can arrange these notes and there is option to include checklists, photos etc for their convenience. Google Drive stores all these notes safely and automatically synchronized to all our devices so we can have them at all times in sight. We can create, edit and access new notes straightly from Google Drive. Now Google Keep is accessible on Google Play for all devices on Android 4.0 and up. After installing the application in our devices, we have to choose a Google account for using keep. Once an account selected, we can start keeping notes.

Notes can be entering by different ways. We can enter directly from the textbox, add checklists my marking check box, add photos to notes using camera, giving voice memo using microphones will transcribe to notes automatically. Keep allows us to assign colors for each note so that we will get a colorful view. Colors are selecting from color palette on the top. The users can categorize notes and are able to assign different colors for each category. The users can take photos and add it to the notes through camera option at the top of the screen. How to use Google Keep Using Keep only speaking requires no typing —Keep does it for us by transcribing voice memos automatically. When we are done through a note, we can archive or delete it.

Using menu options, we change the layout from single-column view to multicolumn view.

The Google Keep offers all functionalities in just few clicks. It rapidly captures what is on our mind and reminds it easily wherever we are. Google keep – a place to keep things safe.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Add Speech recognition to your HTML web pages || Web Speech API

HTML 5 Web Speech API || Speech recognition Using HTML pages

  The new HTML 5 Web Speech API gives speech recognition power to your html web pages. This specification defines a JavaScript API by using this api developers can add speech recognition in to HTML pages. Eg: we can make Spoken password inputs. This is not a W3C Standard and this specification was given by Speech API Community Group This speech recognition capabilities now found only in Chrome browser (version 25 or above).


Speech API 

How to Check browser supports the Web Speech API or Not ? 
-  by checking if the webkitSpeechRecognition object exists  or not. check the code given below.
if (!('webkitSpeechRecognition' in window)) {
} else {
  var recognition = new webkitSpeechRecognition();
  recognition.continuous = true;
  recognition.interimResults = true;

  recognition.onstart = function() { ... }
  recognition.onresult = function(event) { ... }
  recognition.onerror = function(event) { ... }
  recognition.onend = function() { ... }
 More About Speech API by W3C Community  click Here
 Peanutgalleryfilms  Provides a demonstration.